Comments on: The Canyon Bakehouse recall. What happened & what’s next? Celiac Disease Advocate Thu, 12 May 2022 20:37:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marcia`` Treber (Mrs. Harry) Thu, 12 May 2022 20:37:26 +0000 I purchased a loaf of my favorite 7 Grain Bread and half way through, I came upon “holes” in the loaf. This has happened before – but, not for a very long time. I purchased it in Publix, Crystal Springs store, Crystal River, FL. 34429. The8 53584 00201 0. The cost of the bread was $5.49 – it was a special with $.00 off. Just wanted you to know that your product was not up to par.
Marcia A. Treber
6486 W. Torrington Court
Crystal River, FL 34429


By: Laura Wed, 09 Jun 2021 19:54:03 +0000 glad I found this site. Pulled a loaf of bread out of my freezer last week. Trusted the Canyon Bakehouse Gluten Free Mountain White Bread. For some reason I’ve been feeling really crappy this week but couldn’t think of anything that I was doing differently. I googled the bread and found out about the recall. Knew nothing about it before. The UPC matches and there is no lot number on the package. Explains a lot. And I’m not too happy.

By: Angelica Wed, 07 Apr 2021 16:34:12 +0000 In reply to Gluten Dude.

I did find this on GF Watchdog: Good timing on that test. I’ve only recently signed up for that site, so I didn’t get the notification but when I looked back, there it was.

By: Gluten Dude Thu, 01 Apr 2021 11:39:05 +0000 In reply to Angelica.

I totally agree Angelica. I’m disappointed in their lack of full transparency.

By: Angelica Thu, 01 Apr 2021 03:12:11 +0000 In reply to Angelica.

To clarify, I saw what they said, they said it was “a supplier” and they said some vague things about watching their suppliers better. But that’s not what I wanted to hear. I wanted to know that they were testing their supplies when they got them. And maybe some things about that they’d cleaned up the machines they were using? I’m just detail oriented that way. I’m sure this is history, but I didn’t get the story.

By: Angelica Thu, 01 Apr 2021 02:58:40 +0000 Wow, they never intend to tell us what happened, do they? I mean for them it’s just another work day, but for me, I keep going to the store and avoiding it and thinking, I still don’t know what happened.

By: Ari Sun, 17 Jan 2021 21:31:26 +0000 Yeah, I’m not surprised. I’ve started to distrust anything commercially made and make all of my food from scratch. This is honestly one major reason why my blood work has become optimal in the last year. Celiacs in particular need to stop eating out and buying anything commercially made, as the pandemic will no doubt make quality testing more “flexible.” This is just one example.

By: Angelica Mon, 21 Dec 2020 03:21:58 +0000 I know we’re running into the Holiday season now, but it seems like this is a long period of silence from CB/Flower. Surely by now they have suspicions and they haven’t shut down operations all this time, looking for the cause? That would be disastrous for the company.

By: Jennifer L. Fri, 18 Dec 2020 09:07:25 +0000 I was so sad when I read about the CB recall. I have 3/5 in my house with Celiac and CB is a lovely bread. However, at $9 a loaf for the small ones and $11.50 for the Heritage loaves, it might be a good time to just permanently part ways with bread. The mark up on these things is just absurd, especially in Hawaii. Thanks for the article. I am glad I wasn’t the only one who freaked out!

By: Marcie Tue, 15 Dec 2020 22:26:08 +0000 In reply to Kristin.

I am SO SICK OF THE HOLES and the Heritage is now at least 1/3 size smaller!!
