Comments on: Part 3: In the House Celiac Disease Advocate Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:13:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joseph Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:13:48 +0000 In reply to The Gluten Dude.

you need a alcahol, viniger, alcahol, viniger, cleaning to get MOST (not all) of the gluten off, so defintly need own stuff (bad keybard=bad spelling.)

By: Sue Essig Sat, 18 Feb 2017 14:30:20 +0000 I tested positive for Celiac disease on three of the blood tests and negative on two. I was eating gluten free for a month when I had my endoscopy. The doctor said it could still be done, (even though the books said I had to be eating gluten). I reluctantly agreed. The biopsies came back saying no Celiac disease. I feel much better eating gluten free – migraines have lessened significantly. What do you think? Can an endoscopy done when a person is gluten free? What are the chances I have Celiac disease?

By: Melissa Mon, 09 Jan 2017 23:23:28 +0000 Our home is 100% gluten free. Not just our kitchen, but our dog food, cat food, shampoo, toothpaste. I have two daughters they’re celiac, my husband and I are not. I love them to the moon and back, and can’t imagine a reason for not going a hundred percent gluten free. I’m just curious why more families aren’t willing to do what’s in the best interest of that one or two people that have Celiac in their household? It’s so much easier to prepare meals knowing that everything in the house is safe, versus the whole cross-contamination thing.

By: Linda Sat, 17 Dec 2016 13:44:00 +0000 I am recently diagnosed 6 months and have been good about gluten in food. My son 22 years old also tested positive after I was diagnosed . We both have no outward symptoms , but I have developed osteoporosis & was anemic for years until anemia improved after diagnosis I didn’t realize even tough no Gf food in house any longer my tTG # is still 100! After reading all comments I see I probably have to discard all Tupperware ,pots and pans, cutting boards & rubber& plastic spatulas, Is this all necessary if they go through the dishwasher ?

By: ChrizzyT Tue, 25 Oct 2016 14:13:36 +0000 …I thought it best when I was diagnosed to buy new pans, new sponges and cutting boards and have my own cabinet for the kitchen. Unfortunately, I was still getting sick almost daily. Finally I said- This house will be GF. The kids can’t protect me if they go eating a ding dong and then open every door in the home and touch the sink etc… I changed the house to GF. Luckily, at time when I was remodeling my cabinets- All GF. New pots, pans, cutting boards, stoneware, plates, changed to glass storage bowls. The only gluten in the house was my boyfriends bread- which sat on the refrigerator with his jar of peanut butter and he had a special prep counter apart from everything else. i don’t get sick from my kitchen anymore. I scratch cook almost everything and eat very little of the boxed garbage they label GF. (Honestly, I think I am more sensitive than the 20 PPM the Federal Gov’t allows to label GF)

I made the mistake of having a birthday party for my boyfriends daughter who was 13. I told everyone just to come and don’t bring anything that everything was all set. The family came in bearing scads of food that was GF. Then came the crackers and bread bowl etc… Needless to say- I was sick for almost two weeks. I made it about an hour into the party before my face turned bright red and I felt about 105 degrees and started to power down. Then came the stomach and the bathroom cues. Someone probably dipped a cracker in my spinach artichoke dip. They all got to see firsthand what gluten poisoning looks like & why i bring my own food to the family meals. i used it as an opportunity to educate. You wouldn’t bring peanut butter cookies to a childs birthday that is allergic to peanuts- please don’t bring it in my home.

I thought asking my family to go GF would be a big hardship for them all. They have many opportunities to eat out, at school, at work the gluten if they choose. I also had to learn to cook and stand up for my health. This is a journey to health and life and living and functioning in a world where so much can make you ill. Blessings.

By: Mrs. Dude Mon, 31 Aug 2015 01:57:41 +0000 In reply to Vicky.

Great reminder with the toothbrush!!

By: Suz Mon, 15 Jun 2015 20:16:27 +0000 In reply to John.

I would not have thought we should check to see if someone “dry washed” their hair with wheat flours either. Or should we be concerned if someone hugs us when they’ve used wheat based deodorant? It’s not just in our kitchen and it may just be that wheat manufacturers will be finding more lame ideas for the flours that they aren’t selling so much of anymore, LOL. Check out another use for wheat that we don’t think normally of:

By: Gluten Dude Wed, 06 May 2015 16:10:39 +0000 In reply to Laura.

A serious YES to both questions. Your extended family needs to be much more mindful and if they won’t be, you need to bring your own food.

By: Laura Wed, 06 May 2015 15:56:24 +0000 Hi,

I was diagnosed with Celiac almost 2 years ago. My husbands family is not that understanding of my gluten issues, and we get together with them quite often. When we are invited for dinner they rarely provide a gluten free option even though they know I have Celiac. I feel like an idiot always having to ask or hover and read labels of everything they cook. My one relative just said “oh can’t you pick it out”, and another had croutons on a salad that could have easily left off. I don’t expect the whole meal to be gluten free however, a dish or two would be nice. I know it can be hard because gluten seems to be everything. My one relative is a vegetarian and I always make sure she has a veggie option when she eats at our place. Should I expect people to be mindful or just bring my own food or for go dinner invites?

By: John Sat, 18 Apr 2015 17:24:13 +0000 In reply to Stephanie.

If that plastic colander was ever used for draining wheat pasta or any other food with gluten (and chances are this happened multiple times if it ever did at all) it should not be used for GF food prep. Too many little nooks and crannies where starch/gluten can get stuck. It’s tough to clean but can release later into your food when you definitely don’t want it to. I would advise a new, dedicated colander for GF food prep. Same thing with cutting boards as you say, too. If food with gluten was cut on it (again, prob many times), the gluten can persist in the grooves cut into the board.
