Comments on: Jimmy Fallon…What Did We Ever Do To You? Celiac Disease Advocate Sat, 14 Oct 2023 14:10:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andrea Fri, 13 Jun 2014 01:38:06 +0000 Oh! That is AWESOME!

By: Amy Raslevich Fri, 13 Jun 2014 01:32:05 +0000 In reply to Andrea.

I did email it to him (and a modified version for Jimmy Kimmel) through their networks’ contacts. I was trying to find something more direct, but we shall see. Thanks for the feedback!

By: Andrea Fri, 13 Jun 2014 00:24:48 +0000 That was a beautiful analogy. But, the problem is that he will never see your response on this site, and thus, will never be educated. People should take these comments and post them on HIS website, or to NBC where he is more likely to see it.

By: Amy Raslevich Thu, 12 Jun 2014 22:54:44 +0000 I’m late to this party, but just as upset. Here is the analogy that I sent to Fallon (and Kimmel): You would not bring a bald child onto your set and make fun of his bald head. Lots of jokes come to mind, but you have no idea if the kid is bald for fashion or from chemotherapy. So you don’t make fun; you let it alone so as to not make it worse for a potentially sick kid. With gluten jokes, you did the same thing to my kids with the same results. We struggle every day with a disease that not many people believe exists. Jokes about it are not funny but are hurtful, and actually make getting treatment harder since you’ve helped to make it a punchline. Please don’t do it again.
I’m pretty sure it will fall on deaf ears, and I am as tired as many of you about having to educate constantly, but sometimes people listen. And those wins are usually pretty good.

By: MS_glutenfree Mon, 12 May 2014 23:16:53 +0000 I have Multiple Sclerosis and eliminating gluten seems to reduce symptoms for myself and countless other MS sufferers. I don’t understand what is so funny about people taking precaution even when their condition isn’t medically recognized as a gluten intolerance.

I don’t even have a problem with people going GF just to lose weight. It seems to work, and where’s the crime in eliminating foods that contribute to weight gain. I know people that have lost 50 lbs and feel better than ever, just by cutting out gluten.

So where’s the joke?

Is it funny when some people choose to stop drinking Coke and eating Mcdonalds because of its “possible” negative effects?

I’ll gladly give Jimmy Fallon a heavy right hook to the face if I ever meet him. Since improving my diet, my fitness is at all time high, I’ve become a bodybuilder, and my muscles have gotten quite large. ;). Not quite the whiny little bitch the supremely talented jimmy Fallon tried to make us out to be.

I wonder what Fallon’s next joke will be about. Diabetic amputees? Blind children? What a creative genius.

By: Terry J. Wood Sun, 20 Apr 2014 06:24:06 +0000 I missed this when it first aired.

Jimmy needs to take some lessons from the Three Stooges. They know how to make throwing a pie look FUN.

This was just lame and pointless and MEAN.

How was it funny?

By: Gloria Irwin Sat, 19 Apr 2014 22:31:20 +0000 I am soooooo disappointed to see this pathetic video. This is just utterly and outrageously disrespectful on so many levels. Inexcusable and irresponsible. Period.

By: Stacy Shapiro Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:42:34 +0000 Somebody Please explain to me why Chelsea Clinton chose Jimmy Fallon’s show as her platform to discuss her global issues campaign? Really Jimmy Fallon I wouldn’t be surprised if he did a skit on human trafficking, I’m so disappointed:( I really like Chelsea Clinton and the things that she’s trying to accomplish regarding global issues, she posted on her Facebook page that she would be appearing tonight on Fallon and she hoped we would all be watching I had to post a comment as to why I would not be watching but I loved her anyway. Why Fallon?

By: Martha Lardo Mon, 02 Dec 2013 03:25:22 +0000 In reply to SB.

Love that quote…

By: Chris Thu, 28 Nov 2013 23:53:38 +0000 In reply to Gluten Dude.

This was my post on his FB page. Doesn’t he know the drill? He does something tasteless and mean, we educate him, he gives an apology and promises never to do it again. It’s not that hard. Posted again today. May just do it every day from now on, like a zen thing.

From FB:
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. My daughter has Celiac Disease. If she eats any gluten, in the short term, she gets painful headaches, an upset stomach, diarrhea or constipation or both. In the long term, if she’s consistently exposed to gluten, she can get some related GI disease or cancer, and die. Is that funny? Do you want to write a joke about that?

Even if she doesn’t get exposed to gluten, she still has to deal with every birthday party and every soccer party and every other social event, where 3 adults ask her why she brought a pizza to a pizza making party. We have to live with it every day, with every meal and snack we eat everywhere. You’re making the world a harder place for my child. Not because of something she’s done or chosen, but because she has a disease.
