Comments on: Help Me…Help You Celiac Disease Advocate Sat, 14 Oct 2023 13:52:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jm Florance Floor plan Fri, 01 Aug 2014 16:19:12 +0000 You’ll want a written agreement that at the very least spells out
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Supertech Cape Town, over fifty acres in Sector 74, could
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By: Gluten Dude Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:13:11 +0000 In reply to

That’s what I’m here for Kara…

By: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 20:36:55 +0000 I say: Speak your mind Man!
I will never forget the first time I stumbled upon your blog: I had been struggling with being the (I thought) one jacked up person who doesn’t get better (or skinny) from Nazi-ing out the gluten. I was reading a post in your beloved snarky tone and literally said, “Holy crap!!! It’s not just ME”. I have never been so happy to be “one of the crowd” in my life (I have a bit of a rebellious streak).
I haven’t been blog visiting much as the last year has been psychotic for me: broke my leg, threw a wedding for my middle daughter, sold a house, bought new house, packed and unpacked both houses all while still not feeling “better” and having my guy working out of town for 98% of that time. BUT…
I love knowing that there will be a voice of reason, cynical and in your face, voice and a group of people whom I’ve never met who understand when people, (even friends) treat you as if you’re exaggerating or lazy.
I am a “speak all your thoughts” kind of gal and I often feel as though I live in a silent world w/ Celiac. I live w/ a family I love and whom know me well, but still don’t KNOW. Your blog gives me a place to come in rage, anger, exhaustion, fear and even self-pity, and someone knows…

By: Paula Harding Wed, 10 Jul 2013 01:37:51 +0000 I just wanted to say Dude that I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! I love your snarky and brutally honest approach to CD- Celiac Disease SUCKS BIG TIME! Reading your blog has made me feel validated all those times I got glutened, felt horrible and all alone because no one around me understood. I struggled not only physically but emotionally . I would be depressed and hating my life – for a short minute- ok maybe two. ;). I realize now it’s the symptoms talking and not how I truly feel deep down. It helps to know not everyone feels chipper and full of happiness every minute with this stinking disease- I am not seeing rainbows or kittens and certainly not expelling unicorns when I am suffering from gluten exposure In those times I am not a happy camper and don’t have the engery to pretend I am fine..but generally I TRY for my husband’s and children’s sake to keep to myself as much as possible and keep my stinking attitude under wraps- doesn’t always work lol I can be a real witch post glutening but I try.

By: The Gluten Dude Thu, 31 Jan 2013 13:13:23 +0000 In reply to Aloha Julie.

“Thanks GD for helping me, and so many others.”

You are quite welcome!

By: Kimberly Wed, 30 Jan 2013 18:27:28 +0000 In reply to The Gluten Dude.

I send this to all the newly diagnosed celiacs people send my way! Since my daughter was 4 when she was diagnosed I had to become the celiac for her. It’s been a painful long process and we’ve come out the other side thanks to you. Its also taught me infinite empathy for those that went undiagnosed for so long and suffer collateral damage. I don’t post thank you’s as often as I should.

By: Jersey Girl 2 Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:44:08 +0000 In reply to IrishHeart.

It’s kind of long, but I wouldn’t mind THAT on a T-shirt either. Maybe we need a BOOK of quotes (and still some T-shirts).

By: IrishHeart Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:34:06 +0000 I find that my family members and friends who took the time to learn about CD do “get it” and are wonderful sources of support.

Maybe they have never felt the physical or emotional pain (and isolation) I have felt from being so ill, but they all saw me go downhill and they cried tears for/with me and they felt helpless. I thought my poor hubs, mother and sister would become seriously ill themselves worrying so much about me. Many people could only say” I’m praying for you”. I appreciated that thought.

Some people abandoned ship (it hurt me terribly– but so be it)
but there are people in my life who are empathetic and that is very supportive and I appreciate their efforts more than I can say.Some have even learned to cook safely for me.

My point is–yes, only a fellow celiac/gluten intolerant knows what it feels like to suffer from this thing, but the most important people in your life can be very helpful–IF they are willing to learn about the disease.

I have learned valuable lessons about human nature during my long illness. It’s this: Some people have a “there but for the grace of God go I” mode of thinking. I could well imagine the “Whew! thank God, that’s not ME that is in that agonizing pain! ” thought bubble over their heads.  Some stopped calling and have never asked about my progress since.

Sadly, we cannot make other people give a shit.

True empathy is a gift. Not everyone has it. Some of us possess it innately and those of us who have suffered become masters of it.

By: IrishHeart Tue, 29 Jan 2013 14:15:03 +0000 In reply to ajdury.

Adjury said:
“Being diagnosed doesn’t make you a ‘better’ sufferer of the problem. Being undiagnosed doesn’t make you a ‘lesser’ sufferer. Being educated makes you more educated and being an asshole makes you an asshole. That’s just the facts.”

dang, where are those “like buttons”??? I Like! I Like!!

By: Joy Tue, 29 Jan 2013 11:43:56 +0000 Adjury,
How frustrating! Before I got my diagnosis, which wasn’t immediated because the homeopath took me off gluten before running a screen, I FELT that no one would take me seriously ( not here, but in the outside world, and maybe among some celiacs). In retrospect, I don’t know what I was worried about. Now, with the diagnosis, nothing has changed, I was off gluten before, i am still of course now, bc it is like you debilitating….but I have come to the realization that (diagnosis or not) NOBODY understands other than a fellow sufferer!
